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Want to impress you friends? Every month we will dig deeper in a specific trick to cold read.These methods are what magicians, TV psychics and mind readers use.with these tricks even a skeptic can be convinced that you can read their mind or have contact with the spirit world

the trick of this month is “select your subject ahead of time”

The person whom you want to perform the cold reading on is your “subject” The longer you can follow their tracks the better a lot of things you can learn about someone by only observing the “Subject”

Look for obvious visual clues like:

- how is your subject socially ( outgoing or shy)

- is the subject young or old-married (doe’s the subject wear a wedding ring)

-heigt and weight-the way they dress ( modern, casual, etc.)

If you study your “subject” ahead of can then later baffle them with facts about the “subject” an blow every body’s mind there are also some cold readers that will go a little futher, and make use of accomplices.They visit or interview your chosen “Subject “prior to the coldreading show.

Use this trick wisely, and choose the right “subject”

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