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This personality exercise is a fun way to get to know someone better on a level that usually takes a lot of time and trust. Best to perform this exercise in a spot quiet and intimate. Not at the bar in a noisy club.

Start off slowly and ask if your lady wants to partake in your experiment and that she will gain some inside in her personality. It is important that if she wants to participate she should be really focused. Ask her to be focussed and give as much details as possible.

The Cube routine is easy to memorize. The structure is extremely important, do not mix up the structure, since it would ruine the exercise.

The Questions in the right order are:

  • Picture a big empty room.

  • Now tell her to insert into this picture a cube. Ask where it is placed; in the air, floating, left/right/middle? Is it big or small, are you facing the flat side of the cube or the corners, and is it transparant or solid? What colour?

  • Next, tell her to picture herself a ladder. Again, ask her where is it (against the wall, the cube or into the sky), is it high or low. Easy to climb or not? Really get her to give you some detail here.

  • Put flowers into the image and ask what type of flower she has chosen, how many there are and where she has placed them in the image. Are they close to the ladder? Or the cube? Or neither. What is the symmetry between the objects and do any of them touch or overlap.

  • No wit is time for some animals. Tell her to place a horse in the room somewhere. Ask her questions about the horse’s position and if it is performing any actions. What does the horse look like? Which 3 words would describe the personality of the horse.

  • Last, there’s a storm coming into the picture. Ask her to picture this going on In her head and tell her to describe if the storm is already outside the room or on the horizon. The ferocity of the storm.

The reason for The Cube exercise to be so effective is that these questions are specifically designed to get her attuned with herself. She won’t know that by answering these questions she is actually telling a lot of her most inner secrets. The following interpretations are mere examples of how you can interpretate the picture drawn. Don’t hold back on using information that you already received if it fits the picture. This way you can build a deeper understanding and connection.


With the mental picture drawn you have the key to how the girl views herself and her life. When you interpreate the details correctly, it enables you to know exactly what she wants and helps to see how she plans her future.

The cube is all about how she sees herself in the light of day: - Size: People drawing small cubes are usually insecure. - Location: Cubes in the air usually indicate creative people, on the ground are more practical day to day people. - Angle: Flat is average, cornered indicate visionary people. - Material: See through are people with their heart on their sleeves, easily open up to you. People with solid cubes are more reserved and protective. Maybe the cube is bold and bright, in which case this girl is truely happy and content with how outgoing she really is. - Colour: Light colours indicating openness. Even a reflective openness. If you talk to people you easily adept to them. So they think to know you, but actually don’t really know you.

The Ladder represents the ambitions in life: - Location: Most people place the ladder up against the cube because normally it’s part of your personality and part of who you are. If the ladder is placed the otherside of the room it indicates a seperation between personal life and career/ambitions in life. It’s a healthy thing. - Size: High indicates on a lot of ambitions. - Climbing: If they say it is easy to climb, they have a feeling they will accomplish their ambitions and goals in life.

The Flowers represent children or view towards having children. The flowers are what she sees as her children. The more flowers she pictures, the more children she eventually wants to have.

The horse represents what she is looking for in a man, her ideal lover and perfect partner. It doesn’t have to mean that it is someone she has been with before; her subcontioness ideal man. This is the bit you want to pay close attention to as the key note. A strong stallion,indicates that she wants a man who fits the same description; strong, bold and protective. If it is a pony, perhaps she sees her ideal man as being someone more quite shy, reserved and unassuming. Maybe more a man who is more caring and she can cuddle and feel warm with. If the horse is envisioned close to the flowers; this girl wants a man who wants children in life also: - Direction facing: If the horse is facing the cube it means she wants a man focussing his attention on her. - Type of horse: Stallion = Strong manly man, Pony = gently quiet soft guy. - 3 Words used for personality = should be clear

The storm is your problems in life and how they affect you: - Location: Storm is outside and from a distance. The personal is able to see the problems and detect herself from them. Characteristcs with this: what can be done about it to solve the problems. - Ferocity: Really heavy storms can indicate people that can totally freak out facing problems and that it fucks up their whole life. While people with quiet storms are usually more relaxt about it.

Get out into the field and try it out!

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